Employers may obtain subsidies for wage supplement up to the minimum wage to their employees in the event of their involuntary part-time employment or downtime from May 1 to July 31, 20207. Subsidies also may be provided for payment of dues to the state Social Protection Fund. The decision on the provision of subsidies will be made by the local authorities, while money would be disbursed by the Social Protection Fund.
The decision on the provision of subsidies will be made by the local authorities, while money would be disbursed by the Social Protection Fund. It is not possible to apply online. However, the Ministry of Labour and Social protection has developed an action algorithm and sample documents for provision of subsidies and posted themon the website
Local authorities have the right to defer a payment of taxes (payable from April 1 to September 30, 2020), fully paid to the local budgets, as well as rents for state-owned land plots or they can provide a tax credit.
Deferred payments, tax credit will be paid monthly in equal installments from October 1 to December 31, 2020. Local authority also have the right to defer a payment of land tax, property tax, tax under simplified taxation system payable to local budgets from April 1, 2020 till September 30, 2020.
This support can be provided for companies from industries most hit by coronavirus. The list of industries are given in the Annex to the Presidential Decree № 143.
It is not possible to apply online. However, the local authiorities put the comments to the Decree on the websites, explaining application procedure of request for deferral, e.g.:
This information is based on information from publicly available websites on 22 May, 2020. EU4Business is not responsible for accuracy and continued availability of these facilities.
Grants for SMEs are available through the following programme.
LED – Local Economic Development in Belarus.
The objective of the project is to promote social enterprises as catalyst for local development and to ensure they can be sustainable parts of the local, national and regional economies.
Valid until 31.07.2023 with total budget for grants € 5 775 000.
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